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Lawyer for the Earth at the Rio Earth Summit
Rio de Jeneiro, Brazil - On June 5, the Rio Earth Summit has been happening on the other side of the world, and a barrister is presenting her grass roots program Eradicating Ecocide. Polly Higgins began her journey in England as a barrister which is what we call a...
Waste not want not with online matchmaking and RecycleMatch maker Brooke Farrell
Houston, Texas - Though Leadership "In some ways, I feel like my whole life has prepared me for this opportunity." Brooke Ferrel of Recycle Match is considered a leader in zero waste management with a software company that enables other companies to source and sell...
Bloom or bust with “Boxes” for natural gas
Sunnyvale, CA - When looking at the rapid shift to natural gas we are seeing the use of fuel cells, which use an electrochemical process that produces small amounts of electricity. When these fuel cells are stacked upon each other and arranged into large modules...
Voices: Paul Herman, On Clients Who Lend
Our firm is experiencing an increasing number of clients who are seeking to fill the role of the bank by funding new investment opportunities in scaling existing businesses and funding entrepreneurial ventures. Since these clients tend to be family offices, family...
3.8 Billion Years in Sustainability R&D
Berkeley, CA - Thought Leadership "Everything we need to know is right in front of us." When I hear this I sometimes say, "obvious to you, perhaps...". But what is often the most obvious is often the most overlooked. Gil Friend of Natural Logic believes that all we...
Why Green Energy Tax Cuts?
Of course, when asked by a progressive, it means: why tax cuts instead of direct subsidies, mandates, carbon taxes, etc.? When asked by a conservative or libertarian, it means why incentivize alternative energy at all? There are several good reasons to support supply...
Noble Profit
We design software and data visualization tools to facilitate transparency, analysis, strategy, and transactions in sustainable business and finance.
We are the core team for BFlo™ technology, a Web3 solution connecting sustainable business and finance information to support ESG scores. We use the Sustainable Development Goals to triangulate impact to climate, and blockchain for transparency.
Noble Profit media series is offered as part of our platform ecosystem. Our content provides education and insight vital to understanding opportunity in the sustainability and impact areas.
BFlo Technology
Web3 For Sustainability
Transparent, defensible data for SDG, ESG and climate reporting and verification.
Data Visualization
Make sense of complexities, see connections, and analyze footprints and solutions.
Connecting Impact To Climate
Triangulate impact with climate solutions.
We are inviting stratefic partners to participate in the BFlo Lab.