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Cradle to Cradle’s Bridgett Luther says it’s okay to have stuff and make Noble Profit | Vol 1
Stuff doesn't have to be a problem. Yes! We can have our stuff and feel good too. We just need to adopt the simple methods of Cradle to Cradle into our business practices. According to Bridgett Luther, President of the C2C Products Innovation Institute, people are...
Working to End Gender-Based Violence in Fashion Supply Chains
"The right of women to live free from abuse and harassment is starting to unite the world, as people rise up to say: enough is enough," states CEO Scott Leonard of Indigenous. A passionate man with sandy blonde hair looks more like a surfer than fashionista - but his...
Can cryptocurrency save the world?
While a twisted journey ripe with bad actors, cryptocurrencies have increased exponentially over the past few years. One can only surmise that something big is happening to weather the industry’s storms as more people become attuned to one of the next big technology...
Indigenous Artisans And The Ethical Business of Fashion
Sebastopol, CA and Peru Scott Leonard is the co-founder and CEO of Indigenous Designs, a fashion company specializing in fair trade and organic apparel. They sell direct to consumer, but also white label their apparel to major brands such as Eileen Fisher. Their model...
Impact investing revealed, Noble Profit moment with Dan Crisafulli, Potrero Investment Advisors | Vol 2
How can impact investing provides companies, private foundations and individuals the means to align our values with our investments and support issues we feel strongly about while gaining positive returns? Impact investing expert Dan Crisafulli affirms how social...
Socially Responsible Investing: An Interview With Gregory Wendt
Recently, Planet Experts sat down with Gregory Wendt, a veteran wealth advisor, economist and Certified Financial Planner. Greg is considered a thought leader in his field of sustainable and responsible investing and green business. He is the founder of several...
Noble Profit
We design software and data visualization tools to facilitate transparency, analysis, strategy, and transactions in sustainable business and finance.
We are the core team for BFlo™ technology, a Web3 solution connecting sustainable business and finance information to support ESG scores. We use the Sustainable Development Goals to triangulate impact to climate, and blockchain for transparency.
Noble Profit media series is offered as part of our platform ecosystem. Our content provides education and insight vital to understanding opportunity in the sustainability and impact areas.
BFlo Technology
Web3 For Sustainability
Transparent, defensible data for SDG, ESG and climate reporting and verification.
Data Visualization
Make sense of complexities, see connections, and analyze footprints and solutions.
Connecting Impact To Climate
Triangulate impact with climate solutions.
We are inviting stratefic partners to participate in the BFlo Lab.